Save Trees won workstation decoration competiton

Its great moment for Save Trees Save Earth website, We won work station decoration competition organised by Antier Solutions.

Oxygen or Atom bomb?

Trees gives us life and really very important for the survival on the earth. Many people are dependent on the tree for their survival economically for example paper industries, rubber industries, match industries, etc are totally dependent on trees. The main role of trees is giving fresh and oxygenated air to us and consumption of CO2 however they also give protection, shadow, food, source of money, home, medicines, etc to the people.

Trees are very important for our survival in many ways. They clean the soil by filtering sewage and chemicals used in farms. They help control noise pollution and reduce flash flooding.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming. They also clean the air by absorbing pollutants like carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. They also help to lower temperatures. They give shade during the summer and act as windbreaks during winter if they are located on the windward side.

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