What is Plastic?
Plastic is a synthetic material made from a wide variety of organic polymers, such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into shape while soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form. …
One Person One Tree
Plastic is a synthetic material made from a wide variety of organic polymers, such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into shape while soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form. …
Dean Viva-Lasvegas
I became a father for the first time in 2017 and was so excited to have a little son who I could love and nurture. Holding …
Darrell Blatchley received a call from the Philippines’ Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources early Friday morning reporting that it had a young Cuvier’s beaked whale that was weak and vomiting blood.
Within a few hours it was dead.
Blatchley, …
The world is getting warmer. Whether the cause is human activity or natural variability—and the preponderance of evidence says it’s humans—thermometer readings all around the world have risen steadily since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. (Click on bullets above
Thank you for joining me on this exploration of one of the most fascinating and consequential narratives in Earth’s history—the story of carbon dioxide (CO2). This invisible yet mighty molecule has played a pivotal role in shaping our planet, from …
We are in a very fast growing world. Every day we have new technogly coming and as a human we like these changes. We are now so advanced using internet, mobiles, sattelites, nuclear power so many things. But we are …
All over world its becoming a major problem for all living beings. Air pollution is increasing day by bay. Most of us are not aware of this devil.
From Ghana to Argentina and London, air pollution is a problem that …
DENVER: Researchers say global warming could melt mountain snow more slowly, a peculiar finding that might be bad news for the American West.
Scientists have long known snow is starting to melt sooner as the climate warms. The research released …
The majority of 2016 GOP presidential aspirants fall somewhere in the murky middle when it comes to climate change.
They acknowledge that climate change is a real and likely problematic development. But they’re also hesitant to put the blame squarely …
Its great moment for Save Trees Save Earth website, We won work station decoration competition organised by Antier Solutions.
Trees gives us life and really very important for the survival on the earth. Many people are …
Why its necessary to save trees !
Clean air: We need food almost 3 times a day, but we need air (oxygen) after every second.Only the Trees help cleanse the air by intercepting airborne particles, reducing heat, and absorbing …
Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years).
Climate Change is the international issue. Whole world is aware of this …